

 Meditation: This week we had a meditation practice let by Marcello Spinella. While before this there has been breathing and centering yourself in the yoga practices I have done, there has not been meditation. On my own I have meditated before and enjoy it very much. While centering oneself and breathing during yog is important and a great way to set the mood, I definitely feel meditation would add a whole new level to yoga if added in every day practice. I think yoga has been absent from my yoga practice because since the videos I watch are just that, videos, there is a stigma that they need to be fast, and easy and not waste much time. That meditation would take too long. Even if I type in meditation on Youtube, some of the first videos are 5 minute mediation, 19 minute meditation, quick mediation. All quick ones to get done fast and keep going. Meditation is not about getting something done fast and keep going with life. Its about finding ones self, earning a bit about yourself, and
 Yoga for stress/anxiety from MadFit on youtube Since this week there wasn't a prompt, I decided to go with a yoga that was more based off of what I was feeling. I've been stressed with school and finals coming up and I have plenty of anxiety to go around. So I found a video and followed along. The account that is is from is called MadFit on youtube. Right off she was focusing on breathing and kept with that the whole video. It reminded be of Jen from Hive Yoga with how focused on breathing it was. A lot of the stretches were relaxing and not too difficult for someone like me with tight hamstrings. I very much felt more relaxed and felt a bit of my stress and anxiety go away. My favorite exorcises were the ones she did lying down on the floor just because they felt the easiest and more relaxing in my opinion.  Over all I liked this video a lot and may use MadFit's videos in the future for exorcises or may try looking for one more centered around stress and anxiety rather th

Jenn Kretzer, The Yoga Hive

       This week the instructor I followed along to was Jenn Kretzer from The Yoga Hive studio. She teaches a yoga called Sivananda yoga. This kind of yoga is the one you think about when you imagine crazy yoga moves like doing poses on your head. It was very different from the other practices we have done from the beginning breathing to the head stands. From what I have observed from the movies we have watched in class, it seems much different and a much more popularized version of yoga.     Jenn started out with focusing on breathing. While other practices have been mindful of breathing, this one took it to a new level of really centering yourself and doing different breathing exorcises like one where you really engage your gut and breathe in and out fast. From what we have discussed in class, breathing is a big part of traditional culture of yoga but its more of a steady and soothing pace. In traditional yoga, its a lot more about finding yourself and being centered with your spirit

Goat Yoga

 This week I had decided to try something I have heard about though sadly can't experience right now, Goat Yoga. Life is so frustrating right now so I thought this would be fun to watch and follow along to. Its by Unus Annus at the Laughing Frog Yoga studio in Los Angeles. The goats name are Gigi and Felix there are benefits to doing yoga with goats than just humans. In Goat yoga unlike other practices, the healing isn't just physical or a spiritual journey but one of joy and happiness. The goats are hypo allergenic so it's safe most anyone to do. The main factor is laughing at the cutes jokes and the light hearted atmosphere that it holds. Most classes are very serious and I always feel uncomfortable about it. Instead of a teacher readjusting you, its a goat. Plus the poses are still the same as most yoga classes just with goats jumping on top and going underneath you. Plus you get deep goat massage's which can help with some back problems.  With this video, I definite

Diane Polli

In class, we followed along with an instructor by the name of Diane Polli. I was excited to try with an instructor that my teacher had picked out since I knew they would be good. Though I was a little worried that she may be a little too advance for me or maybe too fast but you have to try out different people to find your preferences right? Also it was a bit longer than I have been doing. I have been doing classes that are between 30-45 minutes to get started. So here's how it went! Right off the bat we were in the thick of it! I turned on my zoom camera and grabbed some water. By the time I came back with the water., I thought I had to of been gone for longer than a minute since the stretches looked more complicated than warm up stretches usually are. I have done where you first focus on your breathing and doing just easy stretching poses to warm you up. I felt like I had skipped to the middle of the video and not a beginners one at that. I felt like she was going very fast, thou

Yoga practice: Week 1

 Hello! Today was my first day at trying to understand (and actually like) yoga! I decided to follow along with a video I found on Youtube for beginners yoga by a channel named "Yoga With Adriene". I plan to try and find a new video for a few weeks so I can see what kind of energy or mood I like best.  I haven't done yoga in a while but I do know some basic posses. I liked how Adriene really explained the posses and how to do them. Not just saying "get down on all fours on your mat" but explaining where everything should be positioned and how you should be reach from the earth. It was very helpful with feeling like I was doing everything correctly. I did like how she focused on how to breathe in the beginning and throughout the video. Though I did feel a little frustrated when I couldn't do the posses with the same flexibility as she could but felt like she wasn't someone who wanted you to get the posses exact, just as close as you can. Thankfully nothin


 Hello! My name is Spencer Lincoln. You may have noticed the title "Angry Yoga Girl" on this blog. That's because I have tried doing yoga classes in the past but have always left extremely angry for whatever reason. I don't know why but I always said if I needed to fight someone, I would go to a yoga class first to hype me up! I have extreme tight hamstrings which doing a lot of the poses become hard for me and frustrating when a teacher touches my back to try and get me to go lower and I can't. As funny or strange as that may be, I do love all the energy that I see yoga give off to others and a lot of the practices of it. So I want to give it a really good try with taking a class. I hope you enjoy this journey of someone who is trying their best and possibly failing miserably!!! lol