Yoga practice: Week 1

 Hello! Today was my first day at trying to understand (and actually like) yoga! I decided to follow along with a video I found on Youtube for beginners yoga by a channel named "Yoga With Adriene". I plan to try and find a new video for a few weeks so I can see what kind of energy or mood I like best. 

I haven't done yoga in a while but I do know some basic posses. I liked how Adriene really explained the posses and how to do them. Not just saying "get down on all fours on your mat" but explaining where everything should be positioned and how you should be reach from the earth. It was very helpful with feeling like I was doing everything correctly. I did like how she focused on how to breathe in the beginning and throughout the video. Though I did feel a little frustrated when I couldn't do the posses with the same flexibility as she could but felt like she wasn't someone who wanted you to get the posses exact, just as close as you can. Thankfully nothing she did was too hard so it felt like a good start. Overall it was pretty good. Still got a bit frustrated and maybe if it went longer I would have gotten more angry but its a good start! I'll try someone maybe more energetic this week to see the difference in styles.


  1. How long was the class? Make sure that you give as many details about the classes you take as possible. This will serve you as far as comparison goes. Good start.


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