Diane Polli

In class, we followed along with an instructor by the name of Diane Polli. I was excited to try with an instructor that my teacher had picked out since I knew they would be good. Though I was a little worried that she may be a little too advance for me or maybe too fast but you have to try out different people to find your preferences right? Also it was a bit longer than I have been doing. I have been doing classes that are between 30-45 minutes to get started. So here's how it went!

Right off the bat we were in the thick of it! I turned on my zoom camera and grabbed some water. By the time I came back with the water., I thought I had to of been gone for longer than a minute since the stretches looked more complicated than warm up stretches usually are. I have done where you first focus on your breathing and doing just easy stretching poses to warm you up. I felt like I had skipped to the middle of the video and not a beginners one at that. I felt like she was going very fast, though she did have little breaks and had us do each pose two times on each side to learn it better which was a bit helpful. I had to stop a few times and go grab some water or not do some of the poses because they were too hard or I was getting way to frustrated. I did however love how we did a bit easier poses at the end and then laid down and meditated for a few minutes. I found that part very enjoyable but wished that was at the beginning as well as the end of the session to get you in the right head space. 

Over all, I do think Diane Polli is a wonderful instructor and seems very nice and sweet but just a bit to advance for me at this current moment. Maybe in the future it would be easier to follow along and be able to do the more complicated stretches she was able to do. Can't wait for next weeks instructor and how they are different from this weeks. See you then!


  1. ususally you can not drink until after eagle pose and your room is generally 100 degrees. Can't get the whole effect. Would like a little more about the experience of Bikram


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