Yoga for stress/anxiety from MadFit on youtube

Since this week there wasn't a prompt, I decided to go with a yoga that was more based off of what I was feeling. I've been stressed with school and finals coming up and I have plenty of anxiety to go around. So I found a video and followed along. The account that is is from is called MadFit on youtube.

Right off she was focusing on breathing and kept with that the whole video. It reminded be of Jen from Hive Yoga with how focused on breathing it was. A lot of the stretches were relaxing and not too difficult for someone like me with tight hamstrings. I very much felt more relaxed and felt a bit of my stress and anxiety go away. My favorite exorcises were the ones she did lying down on the floor just because they felt the easiest and more relaxing in my opinion. 

Over all I liked this video a lot and may use MadFit's videos in the future for exorcises or may try looking for one more centered around stress and anxiety rather than just fitness. I barely got frusterated during this one and may actually use this video again.


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